Dispute Prevention Committee

The Dispute Prevention Committee brings together creative transactional lawyers and dispute-oriented counsel to create the next and best dispute prevention mechanisms aimed at preserving business relationships by identifying conflict early and preventing it from ripening into full-blown disputes and driving the adoption of a dispute prevention culture across industries.

Despite the general acceptance of alternative dispute resolution provisions in contractual arrangements, to date, there has been little attention given to contractual dispute prevention protocols. In an effort to shift the paradigm, CPR, with the assistance of outside and inside counsel from highly respected firms and corporations, has developed a “Term Sheet” and Model Dispute Prevention and Resolution provisions (the “Model Provisions”), along with an accompanying memorandum providing an overview of the Term Sheet and Model Provisions as well as reasons for using them.

The Dispute Prevention Committee has also operationalized these concepts by developing the Dispute Prevention Pledge for Business Relationships and has assembled a blue-ribbon panel of dispute prevention neutrals. The Committee also helps break down the silos between transactional attorneys and litigators and supports their role in crafting the right ADR provisions in contract formation.

For more information, please contact the staff liaison, Ellen Waldman, ewaldman@cpradr.org.

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