ADR Pledges

CPR’s pledges elevate the discussion on, and promote the capacity for, dispute prevention and resolution. We invite members and non-members to join the discussion by endorsing these pledges and to promote less conflict and more purpose.

Dispute Prevention Pledge for Business Relationships©

The business community is focused not just on resolving disputes more effectively and efficiently but also on preventing them when possible. It is this call to action that gives rise to CPR’s Dispute Prevention Pledge for Business Relationships©. By this pledge, companies and other organizations recognize that disputes in business relationships impose costs in loss of resources, focus, and relationships. They further recognize that promptly addressing conflicts before they harden into disputes maintains business purpose, preserves cooperative working relationships, better ensures business continuity and saves costs.

Dispute Prevention Pledge for Business Relationships©

Diversity Commitment

CPR recognizes the imperative of drawing upon the knowledge, experience and talents of all people in preventing and resolving disputes. We also understand that the field of dispute prevention and resolution has not been nearly inclusive enough in its selection of, and reliance upon, diverse neutrals (women, persons of color, members of the LGBTQ community, persons living with disabilities or other under-represented groups). CPR launched its Diversity Commitment to drive greater inclusion of diverse neutrals in ADR matters.

Diversity Commitment

Corporate Policy Statement and Law Firm Policy Statement on Alternatives to Litigation©

CPR revolutionized litigation and promoted the adoption of alternate dispute resolution (ADR) with its Corporate Policy Statement on Alternatives to Litigation© beginning in the early 1980s. Thousands of companies and law firms signed the “CPR Pledge©” and committed to consider ADR before filing suit. CPR’s policy statements are bilateral and bind signing parties to consider ADR methods.

Corporate Policy Statement on Alternatives to Litigation©

Law Firm Policy Statement

21st Century Pledge©

In 2012, CPR released the 21st Century Pledge© committing companies to a more, systemic approach to dispute resolution that emphasized the development of processes and resources to better institutionalize ADR. Importantly, the signatories to this pledge committed to doing this unilaterally – pledging to seek ways to avoid litigation regardless of whether the opposing party has done so as well.

21st Century Pledge©

International Pledges

Finally, through a network of international agreements, including mutual recognition agreements, CPR and other international ADR groups have committed to promoting their respective pledges to encourage the use of alternatives for dispute resolution.

International Pledges

Effective July 1, 2022, all references in Rules, Procedures, Protocols, Model Procedural Orders, Model Clauses and Guidelines to The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Inc. or CPR shall be deemed a reference to CPR Dispute Resolution Services LLC.

The information and resources on this website should not be construed as legal advice or opinion, or as a substitute for the advice of counsel.