Dispute Prevention

Conflict is endemic to relationships. Business relationships are no different. Dispute Prevention entails the development of mechanisms aimed at preserving business relationships by identifying conflict early and preventing it from ripening into full-blown disputes. CPR is committed to driving adoption of a dispute prevention culture across industries.

Professionals in corporations are invited to participate in the CPR/University of Tennessee Haslam College of Business survey, which is assessing the use and understanding of dispute prevention mechanisms:

Dispute Prevention Survey

We invite you to avail yourself of the many dispute prevention resources we have developed and collected in our Dispute Prevention Library of Resources.

Dispute Prevention Library of Resources

We encourage you to signal to your business partners and the broader community your commitment to preserve business relationships by signing the CPR Dispute Prevention Pledge for Business Relationships.

Dispute Prevention Pledge for Business Relationships

CPR Members are invited to join the Dispute Prevention Committee, a professional network that brings together creative transactional lawyers and dispute-oriented counsel to create dispute prevention mechanisms and drive adoption of a dispute prevention culture across industries. (Participation in CPR Committees is a benefit of CPR membership.)

Dispute Prevention Committee