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Building ADR into the Law Firm - ADR Systems Design

Building ADR into the Law Firm - ADR Systems Design

Effective systems design should lead to ADR sophistication that rivals litigation expertise and conveys ADR proficiency to clients.  Comprehensive law firm system design should:

• Develop Internal ADR Structures & Policies
• Tailor ADR Training and Resources to the Firm’s Culture
• Require Systematic ADR Case Analysis
• Promote A Full Spectrum of ADR Services
• Develop Effective ADR Advocacy Strategies, and
• Develop ADR Tracking Practices.

This manual exemplifies the best system design practices to institutionalize ADR implemented by CPR’s Law Firm ADR Committee.  It also addresses law firm concerts about the economic viability of ADR.

Catalogues best practices in the use of ADR by leading law firms and includes useful practice tools and forms.

(1997) By Catherine Cronin-Harris; 184 Pages plus Executive Summary

Non-Member Price: $49
Member Price: $27.50