Photo of Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation

Jon Palmer
Jon Palmer Corporate VP & General Counsel
Alexandra Mitretodis
Amy Lowen Principal Corporate Counsel
Angye Alexander Executive Business Administrator
Becky Francis
Ben Diggs
Birgitte Gingold Principal Corporate Counsel
Blake Barnes
Brad Smith CEO
Bruce Jackson
C.J. Mahoney VP and Deputy General Counsel, Cloud + AI
Charlotte Yarkoni Corporate Vice PresidentAzure Growth + Ecosystems
Chris Nelson
Cynthia Randall
Cynthia Randall Deputy General Counsel - Litigation
Dan Foster
Dave Dadoun
Dexter Pearce Corporate Counsel
Estelle Rhee Finance Chief | Litigation
Hossein Nowbar General Counsel, Corporate Legal Affairs and Corporate Secretary
Joanna Byng
Jordann Vandor Corporate Counsel
Kate Behncken Director, Strategic Initiatives
Kate Sigafoos Attorney
Kirk Muzzy General Manager, Tax Planning & Controversy
Kristina Markosova Principal Corporate Counsel
Lucky Vidmar
Marja Laitinen
Mark Taylor
Megan Yoshimura Senior Corporate Counsel
Nancy King
Nick Kim
Paul Caron Attorney Office of the General Counsel
Rebecca Andrews Assistant General Counsel
Rob Lytle
Sam Pailca Associate General Counsel, Regulatory Enforcement Litigation
Teresa Rodela Principal Corporate Counsel
Thomas Burt Corporate Vice Pres., Dpty Gen. Cnsl. Litigation
Tony Oliver
Yana Rosenbloom Paralegal
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