Highlights from the 79th session of the UNCITRAL Working Group II: Dispute Settlement, underway this week at the United Nations
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The Blog of the CPR Institute
By Lee Williams, our first preview of this month's first #Scotus #arbitration arguments--the petitioner's amicus, to be followed by the respondents'...
Read PostBy Lee Williams, on Scotus's Jan. 13 cert grant for a Federal Arbitration Act Sec. 3 case.
Read PostThe CPR Institute reconvenes its YouTube panel on the implications of the second U.S. Supreme Court arbitration case for the current '23-'24 term.
Read PostBy Lee Williams, on the second arbitration case just taken by the U.S. Supreme Court for the current term.
Read PostBy Jeffery Miles, on a state court decision that declines to compel arbitration because of a late fees' payment.
Read PostA video analysis of the soon-to-be-scheduled U.S. Supreme Court argument in Bissonnette v. LePage Bakeries Park St. LLC.
Read PostBy Jeffery Miles, on a recent CPR Mediation Committee meeting corporate panel's frank views on mediator selection.
Read Postby Jonathan Baccay, discussing a case accepted today by the nation's top Court on whether there is an industry requirement under an FAA exemption...
Read PostBy, Jonathan Baccay, on moving the Hollywood writers' strike to a universal settlement with the help of mediators.
Read PostBy Jonathan Baccay, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau appears ready to revisit financial services arbitration restrictions.
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