CPR's 2021 International Conference: Panel 2

Podcast & Video,
Panel 2: The Resolution of Complex Technology Disputes: What's Next?

As technology disputes become more complex, judges and juries are increasingly ill-equipped to understand and resolve them, leading to the wider adoption of ADR, which typically allows the parties to select mediators or arbitrators with the right background and experience.

This roundtable brings together diverse perspectives from in-house counsel, institutions and outside counsel to discuss this ever-evolving topic of technology disputes and their resolution.

Mark McNeill - Partner, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, UK

Mark Beckett - Arbilex, USA
Edith Jamet- General Counsel, DPO, SoftAtHome - an Orange subsidiary, France
Luke Sobota- Partner, Three Crowns, USA


2021 CPR International Conference on Business Dispute Management
For the first time in CPR's history, we brought together the leadership of CPR’s three International Advisory Boards for a two-day conference. Six panels with esteemed moderators and panelists will examined important topics related Business Dispute Management.