Discussing Coinbase's #SCOTUS Arbitration Return
The CPR Institute has posted another YouTube analysis of an arbitration case on the U.S. Supreme Court docket, the second ADR matter taken for the Court’s 2023-2024 arbitration term.
CPR’s YouTube channel, @CPRInstituteOnline presents an analysis of Coinbase Inc. v. Suski, No. 23-2 (the Court’s docket is available at https://bit.ly/3StPZwL).
The video is embedded above and can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xncKc5RFGY0&t=6s.
The new case actually is a return of a case that the Court had dismissed in June as improvidently granted in Coinbase v. Bielski, 143 S.Ct. 1915 (June 23, 2023) (available here).
Suski will focus on a long-running question in arbitration jurisprudence: Who decides whether a case will be arbitrated, a judge in a court, or an arbitrator in a private hearing room.
Suski joins on the Court’s current docket, Bissonnette v. LePage Bakeries Park St. LLC, No. 23-51 (see https://bit.ly/3S6ZYId), which will examine the limits of the Federal Arbitration Act Section 1 exemption from arbitration. Our YouTube panel discussed Bissonnette last month here.
Russ Bleemer, editor of CPR’s newsletter, Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation, moderates the panel, which returns to YouTube for its 11th session on ADR in the courts. The panel includes:
Philip J. Loree Jr. of New York’s Loree Law Firm;
Angela Downes, University of North Texas-Dallas College of Law Professor of Practice and Assistant Director of Experiential Education, in Dallas, and
Richard Faulkner, a Dallas-based solo attorney-arbitrator-mediator.
Background on Coinbase v. Suski can be found on this CPR Speaks blog at Lee Williams, “Who Decides? Coinbase Returns to the Supreme Court to Examine Arbitration Delegation,” CPR Speaks blog, here.